halu... =)
since i juz started blogging again,
there are full hand of things that i would like to pour out here...
jz recall those recents,
last two weeks,
i went to Putrajaya in order to meet my bestfren for...
emm, how many years already ya?
hmm, looks like it is neaaaarly a decade...
but the way we communicate wif each other will never get older..haha
d reason is 'she juz got a post in Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia at this particular Putrajaya'
HUHU... no more 'alor star loitering' n 'Jitra's pizza' for us...
coz i really do hope that i will b posted in Kedah...
not Putrajaya...
and that was my first time i went to Putrajaya
first time on an ERL
'bapok mahal tuh'
once arrived, wait for Amal to come and pick me up...
'so late r dis girl' huh...

Still can smile eventhough tired of waiting for her NEW YAMAHA...
dat night, we were chatting n some more chatting n some more chatting...
unexpectedly watching d latest ONE IN A MILLIONS...together...
n d most unbelievable fact is...
Amal is now a crazy fan of TOMOK...
ooo...okeyh...i accept la...hihi...
Then, a day without my utmost necessity 'nasi'...
i was so sick of 'mi indo' and 'ayamas goreng' oleadi...waa..mak...
at last, we went out to Alamanda with her frenz and osmets to answer our stomach' calls...
then, d destination was NANDO....

amal n me... at nandos...
once full...
ape lagik...merayap r kot..hehe...
'sambil menyelam, minum air'
carik trus ju's birthday present....
here is d place where i found ur b'daY present ju...hihi...
then, i went back to PJ d following day...Amal sent me... oops, i rode the motorbike...she was showing me directions...
wat a good instructor r u, mal...waaaa...
we rode the cute YAMAHA in Putrajaya...niiiiceeeee,,,, =P
p/s 'manyak lagik ni nak cite regarding dis..neway, juz stop here first lor'
few more assignments r waiting for my LOVE...haha...
nnn...so sorry, forgotten to take pictures of mr.YAMAHA...
so cuuuteee....
if sy kna posting kat ptrajaya, jemputla dtg ptrjaya lg yer..
tp akak x de keta nk bwk jln2 la ye..kite jln kaki sama2 la ye adik oii...
yela akak,
untuk akak,
jalan smpi hujung dunia pn boley je...hihi... =)
Sun..boh la chat box..sbb 2 le aku lupa ltk komen!haha..klau ada chat box ni automatic je taip komen..
hari2 kat putrajaya ni bosan la..uwaa...nk blk umah!!aku dh mtk DPLI+UUM plak 2..haha..xksh la U mn skng ni, jnj ble dok umah..dh lm xlepak kt kedah..rindu kedah..rindu my family..
weh sori ar coz ms hg mai r 2 aku xlyn hg mcm puteri, bwk pg jln sana sini..kdg2 xde mood nk jln kt cni..
bagus2..good suggestion...
nnti aku try eh msukkan chat box 2...
ye...at last, amal mintak dpli...hihi...
idea yg bernas...boleh continue kegiatan lama kita balik kn...hehe...
ngan hud skali....
takpe weh, aku dh agk dh ritu kita takkan gi jalan mana sgt,
mana tak nye, kita pn waktu tu pentingkan tdo je..hihi...cane + bile nak kuar ...
jalan2 je tak mcm puteri kot...
bab mkn cam puteri kan..hehe...
first class weh...
canepun, tenkiu la ek...gn hg bzy nak exam lgi ritu...
nanti bila2 kna p kacau hang lgik nih...
daa mal...
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