halu... =)
since i juz started blogging again,
there are full hand of things that i would like to pour out here...
jz recall those recents,
last two weeks,
i went to Putrajaya in order to meet my bestfren for...
emm, how many years already ya?
hmm, looks like it is neaaaarly a decade...
but the way we communicate wif each other will never get older..haha
d reason is 'she juz got a post in Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia at this particular Putrajaya'
HUHU... no more 'alor star loitering' n 'Jitra's pizza' for us...
coz i really do hope that i will b posted in Kedah...
not Putrajaya...
and that was my first time i went to Putrajaya
first time on an ERL
'bapok mahal tuh'

once arrived, wait for Amal to come and pick me up...
'so late r dis girl' huh...

Still can smile eventhough tired of waiting for her NEW YAMAHA...
dat night, we were chatting n some more chatting n some more chatting...
unexpectedly watching d latest ONE IN A MILLIONS...together...
n d most unbelievable fact is...
Amal is now a crazy fan of TOMOK...
ooo...okeyh...i accept la...hihi...
Then, a day without my utmost necessity 'nasi'...
i was so sick of 'mi indo' and 'ayamas goreng' oleadi...waa..mak...
at last, we went out to Alamanda with her frenz and osmets to answer our stomach' calls...
then, d destination was NANDO....

amal's frenz n osmet... =P

amal n me... at nandos...
once full...
ape lagik...merayap r kot..hehe...
'sambil menyelam, minum air'
carik trus ju's birthday present....
here is d place where i found ur b'daY present ju...hihi...
then, i went back to PJ d following day...Amal sent me... oops, i rode the motorbike...she was showing me directions...
wat a good instructor r u, mal...waaaa...
we rode the cute YAMAHA in Putrajaya...niiiiceeeee,,,, =P
p/s 'manyak lagik ni nak cite regarding dis..neway, juz stop here first lor'
few more assignments r waiting for my LOVE...haha...
nnn...so sorry, forgotten to take pictures of mr.YAMAHA...
so cuuuteee....